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The decision on extension of the term of activity of the closed non-diversified venture unit investment fund "DEVELOPMENT" was extended

Принято решение о продлении строка деятельности Закрытого Недиверсификованого Венчурного Паевого Инвестиционного Фонда «ДЕВЕЛОПМЕНТ»
AMC OZON LLC, USREOU code 33936496, reports that on September 28, 2020. The General Meeting of AMC OZON LLC (Minutes №144 of September 28, 2020) decided to extend the term of operation of the Closed-End Non-Diversified Venture Venture Investment Fund “Development”, EDRISI code 2331537, (hereinafter - the Fund), by 10 ( ten) years until 27.12.2030.

In connection with the decision to extend the Fund's activities, AMC OZON LLC carries out mandatory redemption of investment certificates (hereinafter - IP) of the Fund from its members in the following order:
1. Place of submission of applications for purchase of IP (hereinafter - the Application): 03150, Kyiv, st. Gorky, was. 64/16 / str. Fedorov Ivan, bldg. 64/16;
2. The following documents shall be submitted for redemption of investment certificates and settlements with participants:
- Individuals: application for redemption of IP (according to the form given in Annex 7 to the Regulation on the procedure for placement, circulation and redemption of securities of the joint investment institution, approved by the decision of the NSSMC dated 30.07.2013 № 1338); passport of a citizen of Ukraine (or other identity document and in accordance with the law may be used on the territory of Ukraine for transactions); a document containing information about the registration number of the taxpayer's account card.
- Legal entities: application for redemption of IP (according to the form given in Annex 8 to the Regulation on the procedure for placement, circulation and redemption of securities of the joint investment institution, approved by the decision of the NSSMC dated 30.07.2013 № 1338); originals or duly certified copies of documents required for AMC OZON LLC measures to identify, verify and study the Fund's participants, provided by the Law of Ukraine "On Prevention and Counteraction to Legalization (Laundering) of Proceeds from Crime, Terrorist Financing and Dissemination Financing" weapons of mass destruction "; duly certified documents confirming the person's authority to represent the interests of the Fund's member (order, protocol on the appointment (election) of the head or power of attorney).
3. Settlements with participants are carried out at the estimated cost determined on the day of the decision to extend the term of the Fund, namely UAH 1,368.52530. for one IP.
4. The date of the beginning of acceptance of Applications - September 28, 2020. The deadline for applications is December 28, 2020.
5. Term during which settlements will be made: in case of insufficiency of funds for payment to the Fund's participants, AMC OZON LLC shall ensure the sale of the Fund's assets. The term of realization of the Fund's assets for the redemption of its IP shall not exceed 3 (three) calendar months from the date of completion of acceptance of Applications. The term of settlements for purchased IPs should not exceed one calendar month from the date of completion of the Fund's assets. Payments are made by non-cash transfer of funds to the account specified in the Application.
6. In case of impossibility to make non-cash payments (due to closing a bank account, providing incorrect details, etc.) with a person who, in accordance with the Application, transferred investment certificates to AMC OZON LLC, AMC OZON LLC within 10 working days after the deadline. for settlements, deposits such funds in the manner prescribed by regulations of the NSSMC. Participants who have not received their funds shall be notified in writing about the deposit of funds and the place of their receipt within 3 (three) working days from the date of deposit.

Funds under management

Funds under management



8.27 uah.

-0.24 %


183 313 uah.

-0.28 %



428.15 uah.

+0 %


9 301 599 uah.

-799.31 %



46.28 uah.

+417.69 %


1 046 561 uah.

+417.91 %



4.90484 uah.

+0.04 %


19 103 816 uah.

+0.04 %

Value of indices

PFTS index


+0 %

UX іndex

1 194.15

+0 %

General SCHA stock

29 635 288 uah.

PIC and NAV on 13 March 2025 **

*PIC - Price Invest certificates, stocks, pension unit.

*NAV - Net Asset Value

**PIC and the NAV calculated at the end of the previous working day

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