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Managed funds

Investment funds «Platinum»





Fund Ratings on 09.09.2024

The price of the investment certificate, uah. 428.15183
Change the price per day,% 0.0 %
Changes in prices since the beginning of the month,% 0.0 %
Changes in prices since the beginning of the year,% 0.0 %
Changes in prices since the beginning of the placement,% 328.2 %
Number of units 21,725.000
NAV, UAH. 9,301,599

Dynamics of prices

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3 mon.

6 mon.


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Note: The value of the investment certificates of the Fund may increase or decrease. The dynamics of changes in the value of investment certificates of an investment fund in the past does not determine the dynamics of changes in the value of investment certificates of an investment fund in the future. The company does not guarantee return on investment in unit and corporate investment funds. The state does not guarantee return on investment in unit and corporate investment funds. Before you purchase investment certificates, you should carefully review the rules of the investment fund

Description Fund

"PLATINUM" Fund provides an opportunity to receive a potentially higher return than by investing in bonds and bank deposits, but it does not carry high risks characteristic of investing exclusively in the stock market.

Portrait Platinum

Portrait - «Platinum» mutual fund

Dates certificate redemption from investors During the first three working days, starting from the 10th day of January, April, July and October
The dates of the certificate of sale to investors Every working day from 11:30 to 18:00
Minimum amount of investments 1 000
Risk Middle
Investment Strategy Balanced diversified
Structure of the Fund To 60 % - shares up to 30 % - cash, deposits , savings certificates , bonds of commercial banks to 20 % - corporate bonds and 25 % - government bonds up to 10 % - municipal bonds
Riks Middle
The term of the fund Unlimited
The nominal value of the certificate 100
The price of the purchase / sale of the certificate 267.15
Cash payments to investors Within 7 working days after receipt of the application for redemption
Agent's commission on the sale of certificates In accordance with the agent tariffs for selection of the investor
Bank Commission under the purchase / sale of certificates In accordance with the Bank tariffs for selection of the investor
Certificate ISIN Code UA102521FB06
Release Form Undocumented
Type Nominal
Certificate of registration of the certificates №00844 from 29.09.2015р.
Certificate USRJII №378 29.09.2015
USRJII Code 221378
Classification Interval
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Reporting Platinum

Current Patent otchet fund activities at Platinum Manuscript by 2024

Dynamics Index UX the Fund
Month 0.0% 0.0%
With the beginning of the year -29.2% 0.0%
Since the beginning of operations -57.6% 328.2%
Risk Indicators (with 01.08.2006) Index UX the Fund
The annual standard deviation 43.2% 32.07%
Beta 0.13
correlation coefficient 16.93%

Portfolio by Asset Classes

Brief overview of events

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Buy-sell certificates Platinum



In order to buy or sell securities (CB) investment funds under management of LLC "AMC OZONE", you should:

  1. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the Prospectus of the Issue of the selected investment fund - Platinum.
  2. Determine the amount of money invested initially.
  3. Provide a passport, identification code, a certificate from the bank, in which you are served or a copy agreement on opening a current account
  4. Open an account with the Central Bank of the custodian any company.


Apply for the sale of certificates by number:

+38 (044) 490-20-21, +38 (044) 281-27-21 or info@ozoncap.com

Application time: during the first three working days, starting from the 10th day in January, April, July and October from 11:30 to 18:00

Settlements with investors on investment certificates.

Timeline for Compliance: within 7 days from the date of application by transfer of funds to bank an investor's account and the provision of a sales contract.

If you have any questions, we will be glad to answer them by e-mail info@ozoncap.com or telephone (044) 490-20-21.

Points of sale of securities

Fonds in Management

Fonds in Management



8.02 uah.

+0 %


177 841 uah.

+0 %



428.15 uah.

+0 %


9 301 599 uah.

-799.31 %



8.94 uah.

+0 %


202 072 uah.

+0 %



4.90484 uah.

+0.04 %


19 103 816 uah.

+0.04 %

Value of indices

PFTS index


+0 %

UX іndex

1 194.15

+0 %

General SCHA stock

28 785 328 uah.

PIC and NAV on 9 September 2024 **

*PIC - Price Invest certificates, stocks, pension unit.

*NAV - Net Asset Value

**PIC and the NAV calculated at the end of the previous working day

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