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Questions and answers

Are there age limits for participation in NPF?

The minimum and maximum age is not limited by law.

Does the company stop paying pension contributions for the benefit of their employees? What happens in this case, with consideration paid?

The company may suspend pension payments, if the pension provided by the contract. In the case where the enterprise for some reason decided to break the pension contract, the money recorded on individual pension accounts of its employees, shall remain the property of the workers. They can continue to participate in the SPC, or wait until the retirement age as defined by the current legislation, after which they will be able to receive pension benefits.


The activity in the private pension system is controlled by a number of public bodies.

The National Commission for State Regulation of Financial Services Markets , monitors the legality of the NPF and the Administrator.

National Commission on Securities and Stock Market controlled asset management company.

The National Bank of Ukraine and the National Commission on Securities and Stock Market oversees the activities of the custodian.

Audit Chamber of Ukraine control of the auditors.

The separation of functions and the separation of NPF funds

The functions of collecting, storing and managing pension assets are divided between the three entities of private pensions - Administrator, Asset Management Company (AMC) and the Bank - Keeper.

NPF assets can not be transferred to bank accounts of the Administrator, AMC, or any other organization or person and should be solely on the NPF accounts with the Custodian. Guardian controls the activity of AMC regarding investment of pension assets in case of violations inform the Administrator, Fund Council and relevant government agencies. Due to this misuse of funds is impossible.

Licensing activity

The activities of companies that provide services in the field of non-licensed. The legislation establishes a sufficiently serious economic (the authorized and equity) and technical (special software equipment size and space) requirements for such entities, and requires highly skilled personnel.

Liability of providing private pension fund

Administrator NPF and the management company responsible for the failure of their obligations all property belonging to them by right of ownership. Depositary liability is limited to the agreement on the Pension Fund Custodian.

A special liquidation proceedings NPF

NPF can not be eliminated by declaring it bankrupt. Even with the deterioration of the financial condition of the fund member loses their retirement savings, they can be transferred to another pension fund, insurance company or banking institution the participant's choice.

Reports and information

Companies that provide services in the field of non-reporting submit the relevant supervisory authorities and to the Council Fund. AMC and Custodian and Administrator submit reports to form the latest consolidated annual accounts. The law obliges annually publish annual financial statements of the Fund and the results of its external audit. In addition, the Administrator shall annually provide each participant free information about the Fund his individual pension account in the form of a statement at the end of the year. Also extract can be obtained by a written request for payment as of any date.

The diversification of the investment portfolio

Minimize risk of loss of pension assets during the investment achieved by the fact that the state clearly defines where and in what amounts can be invested pension funds and establishes requirements for the securities in which assets are invested NPF (paragraph 2, Art. 47 of the Law of Ukraine "On private pension provision"). Individual layout of pension assets of NPF works according to investment returns. Investment declaration - a document which is registered by the National Commission for State Regulation of Financial Services Markets, and is a must for every NPF. In the investment declaration indicates where and how the funds will be invested, how to control over the process requirements for persons engaged in asset management, and more. So, is achieved not only the tasks to protect retirement savings from inflation but also to obtain investment income required to satisfy its obligations to NPF parties.

How do I get information on the amount of accumulated pension funds?

Once a year the administrator shall provide participants with a free excerpt from his account at the end of the year.

How does the asset management company will try to increase their accumulation in the NPF?

AMC OZONE one of the leading companies in the stock market of Ukraine, which has many positive experience in asset management.

Our team tries to make the best use of existing financial instruments to obtain the highest possible profit at the lowest possible risk. Using advanced methods of analysis of the current situation in the financial markets and experience of highly qualified specialists allow AMC OZONE year after year demonstrate high rates of return.

Increasing your savings is our main objective.

How does the NPF?

Each depositor NPF concludes with fund pension contract and on its basis makes donations to party by transferring funds to the NPF. Administrator NPF accounts for funds received by a particular user in his personal pension account. This account shows all transactions occurring with funds by the process of cooperation with the Fund. Funds received from investors AMC accumulated and invested in various assets (securities, real estate, deposits, etc.), and each member belongs to share investment income earned by AMC.

In the future, provided that the grounds provided by law, the participant will receive pension benefits from the accumulated funds. During the period of pension payments balance will continue to be profitable.

Is it possible to conclude a life insurance contract or in the event of disability due to pension contributions?

St. 48 of the Law of Ukraine "On private pension provision" contains provisions allowing the use of the contributions for the conclusion of the risk insurance contracts disability or death of the Fund member. The size of the insurance premium for this type of insurance can not exceed 1% of the size of the pension contribution paid by the fund member or participant who expressed a desire to participate in this form of insurance.

Is there a guaranteed level of income to be accrued for pension saving?

According to the legislation yield NPF can not be guaranteed.

NPF Accounts

Depositor (person who makes contributions to NPF)

The depositor NPF (depending on the type of fund) can be:

  • employer;
  • Trade Union;
  • the participant;
  • spouses, children, parents, siblings, grandparents fund member, spouse's children fund, including adopted him (her) children, parents spouse's fund.

The depositor determines the size and frequency of contributions.

Participant (the person to whom made contributions to NPF)

NPF can only be individuals. Participation in the pension fund is voluntary. An individual may be a member of several pension funds of your choice. Any costs accrued in the pension fund's property is complete.

In an open fund members - citizens of Ukraine, foreigners, stateless persons.

In the corporate capital of the number of participants is limited only by employees - the founder of the fund or employer - payer, who joined the fund on the basis of the contract.

Participants occupational pension fund may be only natural persons related by virtue of their professional activities (classes).

ADMINISTRATOR private pension funds

The legal entity holding the license of the National Commission for State Regulation of Financial Services Markets, in exercise of the administration of pension funds. Administrator acting on behalf of NPF in the interests of its members, namely:

  • enters into pension contracts;
  • is personified accounting of NPF;
  • provides pension payments;
  • provides stock and advertising agency services;
  • leading fund accounting;
  • prepares and presents reports in accordance with the applicable legislation.

Asset management company (AMC)

The company, which operates under license for professional stock market: asset management of institutional investors (asset management), issued by the National Commission on Securities and Stock Market:

  • conducts analysis of the stock market;
  • NPF assets invested according to the investment declaration;
  • rewards of pension assets.

Custodian banks

A bank that is licensed by the National Commission on Securities and Stock Market of activities for the storage of private pension funds. NPF Guardian:

  • opens and maintains accounts of NPF;
  • provides securities custody;
  • AMC supervises the activities and administrators to comply NPF investment declaration.


The auditor should comply with the requirements set by the National Commission for State Regulation of Financial Services Markets. The auditor performs:

  • check of NPF;
  • check of the Administrator;
  • check AMC;
  • check of the Custodian.

Audits are conducted at least once a year at the expense of the audited entity. The results of the audit to be made public.

Pension contributions

Contributions to private pension fund made in the national currency of Ukraine.

The legal entities contributors only cashless.

Individuals can make donations by bank transfer to the account of the Fund:

  • for via any bank;
  • postal order;
  • through the accounting of the enterprise.

The size and frequency of contributions fund investor defines itself, this amount is not limited.

Legal persons may set contribution rates, taking into account:

  • seniority of the employee in the enterprise;
  • posts;
  • old fellow;
  • fellow professional achievement;
  • any other criteria for the choice of the employer.

For investors Fund (individuals and entities) there is a possibility to suspend the payment of pension contributions.

If contributions to the NPF by the employer, then in case of change of job's Fund (liquidation, reorganization or bankruptcy, change of the owner, etc.), all contributions made investor-employer remain the property of the participant and can not be removed employer under any circumstances.

Retirement savings, which are the individual's pension account recorded in «units of pension assets».

Unit of pension assets - indicator system of personal accounts, which is used to determine the amount of pension funds belonging to the pension fund and recorded on his individual pension account in the Pension Fund.

The amount of pension funds belonging to each member of the Fund is determined by multiplying the number of units of the fund, accounted for by individual pension account fund at the net unit cost of pension fund assets and is displayed on the individual pension account's fund. The sum of all pension funds of pension fund equal to the net asset value.

The net asset value of the pension fund, the number of units of the fund of fund participants and net worth of units of the fund are determined each working day.

Pension payments

In the private pension system can be carried out following pension benefits:

  • pension for a specified period;
  • a one-time pension payment;
  • a life pension.

Defined term pension

Periodic pension payment is subject to agreement on pension payments for a specified period. For signing the contract administrator NPF party submits a statement which defines the start of additional pensions (so-called "retirement age"). Such application shall be submitted two months before the date specified member of the retirement age.

Retiring after reaching the fund member is entitled to pension benefits is determined by the application's Fund. Retiring, determined member of the fund may be lower than the retirement age, which gives the right to retire at the mandatory state pension insurance, but not more than 10 years, unless otherwise provided by law. Retiring, determined member of the fund may be greater than the retirement age, which gives the right to a pension under the compulsory state pension insurance.

The participant may change the Fund determined his retirement age by application of the Foundation no later than 15 days before the statutory retirement age.

The frequency pensions participant has the right to set their own (monthly, quarterly or annually). Moreover, it does not depend on how often were made contributions to the NPF.

The term for benefits also elected member of the Fund, but it must be at least 10 years.

The amount of retirement benefits depends solely on the amount of funds accumulated in individual pension accounts of participants.

At the beginning of each financial year, a person who receives a pension for a definite period, must provide information on the status of an individual retirement account.

One-time pension payments

A one-time pension payment is made at the request of members in case:

  • If on the date the retirement age, the amount of appropriate fund participant reaches pension funds amount sufficient to provide 10 years of monthly payments of 50% of the approved subsistence minimum established by law for disabled people;
  • presence or disability fund member, which is confirmed by a certificate of medical-social expert commission;
  • critical state of health (cancer, stroke, etc.) by the fund, which is confirmed by one of the following documents:
  • form of primary records number 027 / a "Statement of outpatient medical record (stationary) patient", approved by the Ministry of health of Ukraine on February 14, 2012 № 110, registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine April 28, 2012 by № 661/20974, if there's a cancer or stroke;
  • conclusion (decision) drug advisory committee health institution, accepted by the signature and seal of medical institution stating that the health of the date of issue's help is critical (for all kinds of diseases, for which medical-advisory committee concluded that this state's critical health);
  • exit Fund's permanent residence outside of Ukraine and documented in accordance with current legislation.

The pension payment is carried out once (except for such payment to members in the event of a critical state of health (cancer, stroke, etc.) or the presence of his disability), is the full amount of pension funds, which are accounted for by individual pension accounts Stock on the date of receipt of lump sum pension benefits.

In the case of the relevant documents confirming the critical state of health (cancer, stroke, etc.) or by disability fund, the participant has the right to determine the amount of pension funds or the pension funds as a percentage of total pension assets accounted for his individual pension account, to be paid to him.

The legacy pension costs are paid as a lump sum.

The pension for a definite period and a one-time pension payment made administrator of the fund in non-cash one way:

  • by bank transfer to the current bank account or card participant;
  • postal order.

Lifetime pension

Lifetime pension insurance company paid out of funds accumulated in the NPF, in a contract of insurance life annuities lifelong member after reaching the retirement age.

To ensure payment of a lifetime pension administrator NPF provides the transfer of accumulated participant insurance funds.

Lifetime pension is not inherited.

Pension reform in Ukraine

In recent years, the so-called "demographic crisis" occurs in all countries of the world. Pensioners are increasing, while the number of employees decreases. This trend affects the standard of living of the entire population: working citizens bear the growing tax burden, while pensioners receive a pension, do not correspond to the real cost of living, as solidary pension system based on payments generated by contributions of working groups of the population.

As international experience shows, the normal balance is achieved when for every retiree accounts for at least three working citizens, and in our country, this figure is already below. And the forecasts are disappointing: according to various demographic studies, in 20-30 years the number of employees and retirees can match (ie one working person will have one pensioner). This means that in the future it will be impossible to pay pensions to the elderly only by premiums collected from those who work. Therefore, for the age group that is projected to be faced with this problem, we must begin now to collect funds intended for them personally.

New features in the personal accumulation of pension funds opened pension reform carried out in 2004. As a result of the reform of our country has moved from a joint to a mixed pension system, which provides three levels of accumulation pension funds.

First level - it is familiar to us universally valid pension system (solidarity system), where the employee's salary a certain percentage is transferred to the Pension Fund of Ukraine (PFC). -Prezhnemu PFC is responsible for the allocation and payment of basic pension each. In doing so, the pension depends on the presence and size of the official salary and insurance period (period of the list of contributions to the Pension Fund of Ukraine for the employee). The earlier start payments of assessed contributions in the PFC and the more wages, which paid the premiums, the greater the amount of pension you can expect.

The second level - a mandatory funded system, which is an obligatory state pension insurance. The essence of such a funded system is that the mandatory deductions from the employee's salary to the Pension Fund of Ukraine (PFC) is divided into two parts. One of the contributions goes to the PFC (according to the first level of the pension system), and the second - is stored in a single savings funds or, as the private pension funds - the subjects of the second level and is considered on individual pension accounts of citizens. In the future, these funds will be invested to generate additional income for the benefit of participants in the second level. Upon reaching retirement age, participants of the second level in addition to the payment of the first level will also receive a pension (lump sum or lifetime pension) with a mandatory funded second-tier system. These payments shall be made from the funds accumulated in accumulative pension funds and relevant non-state pension funds.

The third level is - funded voluntary system private pension provision. The system is based on the principles of voluntary participation of citizens (employed and unemployed), as well as employers and their associations in the formation of pension savings in order to obtain additional pension payments to those guaranteed by the state. The third level, except for insurance companies and banks are non-state pension funds (NPF), which function solely for the purpose of:

  • the accumulation of pension contributions to NPF members;
  • investment of pension contributions for income in favor of NPF participants;
  • the payment of accrued pension funds to participants or their heirs.

The funds that accumulate in the SPC, is invested in the economy of the country in order to protect against inflation and generate investment income. At the same time, the investment is carried out by professionals (asset management companies) and clearly regulated by law. Direct storage of pension assets carries out bank-keeper, which partially controls the work of the fund and is responsible for the improper use of these assets. The funds collected in the Fund are the property of the fund participants.

Understanding the operation of the new pension system and the participation of all three levels will provide you with the financial well-being and confidence in the future.

The controls NPF

The governing bodies of private pension fund is a collection of the founders and board of the pension fund (Council Fund). Create other bodies of the Foundation are prohibited by law.

Charges founders

Charges founders (the sole founder of the authorized body) NPF held at least once a year. Meeting the founders - is the governing body of NPF that:

  • statute approved pension fund and amendments thereto, as well as pension schemes and changes to them;
  • approve the results of the pension fund;
  • Council hears reports from the pension fund;
  • makes decisions on bringing to property accountability of board members of the pension fund;
  • elects new members of the Board to replace those whose terms were terminated;
  • makes decisions on matters submitted to the meeting at the request of fund participants who are at least ten percent of the total number of participants.

The Council fund

The Council fund - NPF is the governing body that:

  • supervises the activities of the NPF;
  • defines investment policy;
  • appoint / change of serving NPF, namely Admin, enterprise asset management, custodian and auditor;
  • hear reports on the activity of serving the NPF;
  • approve the financial position of the fund;
  • control the proper use of pension assets.

The main purpose NPF

The main purpose NPF - provide citizens pension savings in addition to the state pension. Thus, private pension provision through NPF operates not in place of compulsory pension insurance, but complements it.

NPF Objectives:

  • Long-term capital accumulation.
  • Protection savings from inflation.
  • Effective management savings.
  • Manage the size of pensions and the time of receipt.

The mechanism of NPF

The mechanism of NPF is simple enough:

The depositor (legal or natural person), which based on the pension contract makes contributions to the NPF for the participant - natural person who in the future would receive additional pension payments. In the pension contract concluded between the investor and the fund shall include the conditions of cooperation.

The pension contributions in favor of NPF (future pensioner) can perform:

  • employer of the participant;
  • trade union member which is a member;
  • the participant;
  • spouses, children, parents, siblings, grandparents fund member, spouse's children fund, including adopted him (her) children, parents spouse's fund.

All contributions to the NPF are the property of the participant, regardless of who committed them.

Money's accumulated in the NPF, recorded on his individual pension account. Information on the status of the account given party fund once a year for free, or charge his written statement.

The pension accumulation participants are in a separate account private pension fund Keeper, which tracks the intended use of the NPF, in the case of violations, inform the relevant authorities.

Admin Stock takes all "organizational" function: working with participants and investors, attracting deposits, make payments and maintain personalized registration of.

The accumulated funds are invested asset management company (AMC) to earn investment income and protection against inflation. AMC activities regulated by law to the Fund.

In the future, if the reason provided by law, the member receives pension payments from their accumulated funds.

Type of NPF

Private pension funds types can include:

Open Pension Fund - pension fund participants which can be any individuals regardless of location and nature of their work.

Corporate pension fund - pension fund, whose founder is a legal entity employer or more entities, employers and which can be connected employers, payers.

Professional pension fund - pension fund founder (founders) which may be employers
their associations, civic associations, trade unions and associations or individuals, floor' related by virtue of their professional activities (classes) defined in the charter fund. Participants in the fund may be only natural persons related by virtue of their professional activities (classes) defined in the charter fund, as well as individuals who are employees of employers' associations, members or employees
of the trade unions about their 'associations which have established such a fund.

What are the payment of private pension fund?

The payments may be disposable, and for a certain period.

Reason & nbsp; to make a lump sum can be:

  • medically-confirmed critical state of health (cancer, stroke, etc.);
  • disability;
  • In the case where the amount of pension assets at the date of the retirement age does not reach the minimum amount of pension savings by the National Commission that zdiysnyuyederzhavne Regulation of Financial Services Markets;
  • check-party fund for permanent residence outside Ukraine.

    The period during which made pension payments for a specified period, states party to the fund in a statement that he gives the administrator and can not be less than 10 years from the start of the first payment.

    Pension payments for a specified period can occur with such frequency:

    • monthly;
    • quarterly;
    • every six months;
    • once a year.

What are the tax benefits?

An individual paying contributions for themselves is entitled to benefits for income tax paid, that the annual return of overpaid income tax. The tax base of the depositor party will be reduced by the amount of its contribution to the NPF for the year. But the return of overpaid tax will be implemented only on the amount of contributions to the NPF, not exceeding the subsistence minimum for able-bodied person established on 1 January of the year multiplied by 12 and by 1.4 and rounded to the nearest 10 UAH.

What determines the size of the state pension?

The size of non-state pension to which you can expect depends on the size of pension contributions, the period of accumulation and professionalism of asset management fund.

What is the minimum and maximum size of the contribution to the NPF?

You can replenish retirement funds in any amount.

What is the pension fund (NPF)?

Private Pension Fund (NPF) - a financial institution that works for pensions and has the status of non-profit organizations. Fund involves pension contributions of investors, investing in different financial instruments for the purpose of conservation, protection and enhancement of inflation, and later makes payments to members due to the accumulated pension assets..

When can I start receiving my pension?

The legislation defined period of early retirement benefits - not earlier than 10 years before the official retirement age. Payments must last at least 10 years and can be made monthly, quarterly, every 6 months, once a year.

In case a participant accumulated total pension does not exceed fifty per cent of 12-times the subsistence level for disabled persons multiplied by 10, the amount payable to the participant once.

Who can be a contributor to NPF?

The depositor - a person who makes pension contributions in favor of the fund member by transferring funds to the pension fund in accordance with the terms of the pension contract.

Depositor private pension fund (depending on the type of fund) can be:

  • the employer;
  • Trade Union;
  • the participant;
  • spouses, children, parents, siblings, grandparents Fund participant children fund member spouse, including adopted him (her) children, parents fund member spouse.

In any pension fund of its members can be both contributors to the fund.

Who can be a member of NPF?

Citizens of Ukraine, foreigners and stateless persons.

Who has control of the fund and the companies it serves?

The National Commission, carrying out state regulation of financial services markets follows the activities of pension funds and the Administrator. The asset management company controlled by the National Commission on Securities and Stock Market. Supervision of the activities of the Guardian by the National Bank of Ukraine and the National Commission on Securities and Stock Market.

Who owns the accumulated funds?

The accumulated funds belonging to the party fund.

Who will receive funds in case of death certificates?

Retirement savings in the NPF is private party, so be inherited by will or in accordance with established Civil Code queues inheritance. Heir to get the entire amount in a lump sum.

Why asset management company is interested in the growth of my money?

on the management company's fee is determined as a percentage of the net asset value of private pension fund. Due to the effective management of the cost of the fund's assets is growing, so the better we work, the more we earn.

Will savings be paid to NPF in parallel with the state pension age?

Thus, the legal and regulatory framework allows this practice, and even more so - the concept of three-tier pension system provides for the formation of a pension from several sources, including the Pension Fund of Ukraine and NPF time.

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Funds under management

Funds under management



8.80 uah.

+0 %


194 961 uah.

+0 %



428.15 uah.

+0 %


9 301 599 uah.

-799.31 %



8.94 uah.

+0 %


202 072 uah.

+0 %



4.90484 uah.

+0.04 %


19 103 816 uah.

+0.04 %

Value of indices

PFTS index


+0 %

UX іndex

1 194.15

+0 %

General SCHA stock

28 802 448 uah.

PIC and NAV on 13 January 2025 **

*PIC - Price Invest certificates, stocks, pension unit.

*NAV - Net Asset Value

**PIC and the NAV calculated at the end of the previous working day

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