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Краткий обзор событий за Январь 2021

Overview of January 2021

In early January, global markets rallied by inertia on positive expectations for vaccines. Additional optimism for investors was added by the by-election to the US Senate ...

31 Jan 2021 -

  • Сompany's News
Краткий обзор событий за Декабрь 2020

Overview of December 2020

After the November rally, the growth of stock indices continued and in December, the S&P 500 index added another 3.7%, which provided an annual result of + 16.3%, and clo ...

31 Dec 2020 -

  • Сompany's News
Краткий обзор событий за Ноябрь 2020

Overview of November 2020

November delighted investors in most markets with impressive growth in stock indices. The S & P500 index, in particular, added as much as 10.75% and closed at an all-time ...

30 Nov 2020 -

  • Сompany's News
Краткий обзор событий за Октябрь 2020

Overview of October 2020

In October, two topics dominated the news background: the US presidential election and the new wave of coronavirus. The situation in the northern hemisphere seems to be g ...

30 Sep 2020 -

  • Сompany's News
Краткий обзор событий за Сентябрь 2020

Overview of September 2020

Indeks S&P 500 skorrektirovalsya v sentyabre na 4%. No v tselom za 3 kvartala rezul'tat osnovnykh fondovykh indeksov ochen' neplokh kak dlya pandemii i global'noy retsess ...

30 Sep 2020 -

  • Сompany's News
Принято решение о продлении строка деятельности Закрытого Недиверсификованого Венчурного Паевого Инвестиционного Фонда «ДЕВЕЛОПМЕНТ»

The decision on extension of the term of activity of the closed non-diversified venture unit investment fund "DEVELOPMENT" was extended

AMC OZON LLC, USREOU code 33936496, reports that on September 28, 2020. The General Meeting of AMC OZON LLC (Minutes №144 of September 28, 2020) decided to extend the ter ...

28 Sep 2020 -

  • Сompany's News

Funds under management

Funds under management



6.81 uah.

+0 %


150 935 uah.

+0 %



428.15 uah.

+0 %


9 301 599 uah.

-799.31 %



8.94 uah.

+0 %


202 072 uah.

+0 %



4.90484 uah.

+0.04 %


19 103 816 uah.

+0.04 %

Value of indices

PFTS index


+0 %

UX іndex

1 194.15

+0 %

General SCHA stock

28 758 422 uah.

PIC and NAV on 4 October 2024 **

*PIC - Price Invest certificates, stocks, pension unit.

*NAV - Net Asset Value

**PIC and the NAV calculated at the end of the previous working day

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